Our strategy is designed to exploit recurring seasonal characteristics of the financial and commodity markets.

We trade markets such as Gold, Oil, Silver, Copper, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans and many more markets.
You only need $100,000 AUD minimum to start trading our proprietary methods. We suggest starting with a $250,000 AUD or higher trading account to potentially match past dollar returns.
We apply a stop-loss to all trades determined either by the Average True Range, or by the historical results for the past fifteen years. Lot-sizing per trade is calculated by the client's account balance and market volatility.
An Adviser with over twenty five years experience will place and manage the trades for you, so there is no need for you to learn the futures market. We provide you with regular statements on what we plan to trade.
If you are interested in the aforementioned service, please call: 1800 228 600, or e-mail and we will be in contact with account opening information.
Reserve your spot now - new places are limited!
PLEASE NOTE: Our seasonal strategy is suitable for sophisticated investors, because these markets can be more volatile. If you are new to trading, then we suggest you consider our blue chip share market advisory service before trading financial and commodity futures.
If you would like us to contact you, then provide your details via:
This particular strategy is only available to 'sophisticated' or 'wholesale' investors. These are investors who have a gross income of at least $250,000 per annum in each of the previous two years or net assets of at least $2.5 million.
We have both retail and wholesale trading strategies. If a wholesale investment strategy is not suitable for your particular circumstances, please instead ask about our retail Hang Seng Index trading strategy.
Titan Securities Pty Ltd | AFSL: 307040 | FREE-CALL: 1800 228 600
NOTE: Investing entails risk.
Disclaimer: Any advice contained within this correspondence has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You must therefore assess whether it is appropriate, considering your own individual objectives, financial situation or needs, to act upon any such advice.
Titan Securities Pty Ltd is solely Australian owned and operated.